Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States

About Us

The Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE) is an independent government agency with responsibilities that include administering the Territorial Scholarship Fund Program and Special Legislative grants, certifying teachers and other education professionals, and governing the education standards and policies of the territory’s public schools.

Our Mission

The mission of the Virgin Islands Board of Education is to provide leadership and oversight, set policy and advocate for continuous improvement of the Public Education System of the Virgin Islands of the United States.

Our Vision

Each child is provided with the best quality education which guarantees academic excellence, promotes our history and culture, and builds strong local and global communities.

Our Goals

Working with our education partners, the VIBE’s strategic direction adapts to address the challenges of the public education environment and to build for the future. We have adopted a number of important goals including:


  • Working collaboratively with the Virgin Islands Department of Education for the purpose of receiving information, data, and statistics to construct/draft academic outcomes and goals for the students in the Virgin Islands


  • Working to engage parents, students, educators, and the business community for the purpose of enlightening them about the mission and vision of the VIBE

Our Goals

Working with our education partners, the VIBE’s strategic direction adapts to address the challenges of the public education environment and to build for the future. We have adopted a number of important goals including:

Working collaboratively with the Virgin Islands Department of Education for the purpose of receiving information, data, and statistics to construct/draft academic outcomes and goals for the students in the Virgin Islands

Working to engage parents, students, educators, and the business community for the purpose of enlightening them about the mission and vision of the VIBE

Education standards and policies: Under the Virgin Islands Code, the Board has oversight, management powers and enforcement authority in various areas of public education as illustrated in the table below
  • Recommend the Establishment of Public Schools 17 V.I.C. § 21(a)(1)
  • Prescribe General Regulations and Orders regarding education and board operations 17 V.I.C. § 21(a)(1)
  • Recommend laws and amendments to Legislature 17 V.I.C. § 21(a)(1)
  • Bring court proceedings for enforcement of rights 17 V.I.C. § 21(a)(8)
  • Cooperate with U.S. Department of Education and administration of federal laws related to general education and approve plans for same 17 V.I.C. § 21(a)(2) and (3)
The VIBE provides financial aid for Virgin Islands students and certifies teachers and other education professionals

Financial Aid

In accordance with 17 V.I.C. § 171, 172 and 176, the Board is responsible for receiving and administering scholarship grants and loans from the Territorial Scholarship Fund. Each January, the Board publishes a list of all scholarships available to Virgin Islands students.


Pursuant to 3 V.I.C. § 21(a)(6), the Board prescribes rules, regulations and criteria for the certification of teachers, supervisors and other education professionals. The Board also issues certificates pursuant to 17 V.I.C. § 121(b).