Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States


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Amadeo Francis
Categories: Mathematics, Science, Computer Science
Notes: $2,500 grant for no more than four years. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $2,500.00
Ann Schrader Scholarship for Police Science
Categories: Police Science and Administration
Notes: $600 per semester for four (4) semesters majoring in Police Science at the University of the Virgin Islands.
Amount: $1,200.00
Caroline Felicia Adams Aviation Scholarship
Categories: Aviation
Notes: $5,000 per semester for eight (8) semesters
Amount: $10,000.00
Claude O. Markoe
Categories: Education
Notes: $1,000 per semester for eight (8) semesters
Amount: $2,000.00
David Hamilton Jackson
Categories: Political Science, Labor Relations, Journalism
Notes: $1,000 per semester for eight (8) semesters
Amount: $2,000.00
Edward Wilmot Blyden
Categories: General Majors
Notes: $1,250 per year for four (4) years
Amount: $2,500.00
Evadney Petersen
Categories: Health Related Fields
Notes: $2,500.00 or portion thereof, per academic semester to a student from the district of St. Croix. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Exceptional Children
Categories: Exceptional Children
Notes: Child must have a physical or mental disability Child must have demonstrated exceptional abilities and the need for educational training not available within the V. I. public schools. The value is $2,000.00 per year not to exceed four (4) years.
Amount: $2,000.00
Gene Cerge
Categories: Physical Education
Notes: $1,000 per year awarded to an outstanding athlete, who plan to pursue a career in physical education, recreation, or any other sports related field.
Amount: $1,000.00
Hilda Bastian England
Categories: Guidance Counseling
Notes: Not to exceed $5,000 per year. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Kenneth Harrigan
Categories: Education
Notes: $3,500 per semester four (4) years (must be a male). Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $7,000.00
Lew Muckle
Categories: General Majors
Notes: $3,000 per year for no more than four (4) years
Amount: $3,000.00
Mariel C. Newton
Categories: Police Science and Administration
Notes: $3,000 for one year pursuing studies in police science and/or police administration. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $3,000.00
Morris F. de Castro Fellowship
Categories: Government Employees
Notes: There is one award for the St. Thomas/ St. John district and one for the St. Croix district. If the recipient’s salary is less than $45,000.00, he or she may receive the remaining funds in a Grant. Fellowship that is awarded for one year. Maximum award $45,000.00. Applicant must be an employee or official in active service of the Government of the V. I. at the time of application. Must take one year’s leave of absence during the period that the fellowship is awarded. Be nominated by either the Governor of the V. I., the President of the Legislature, the Presiding judge of the District/ Supreme Court, Superior Court, Magistrate Court, the Administrator of St. John or the head of the applicant’s department.
Amount: $45,000.00
Music - St. Croix
Categories: Music
Notes: $2,000 music grant for one resident from each district.
Amount: $2,000.00
Music - St. Thomas/St. John
Categories: Music
Notes: $2,000 music grant for one resident from each district.
Amount: $2,000.00
Nicholas "Nick" Friday
Categories: Music
Notes: $5,000 grant to one student from the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School and one student from the Charlotte Amalie High School pursuing studies in music. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Rehenia A. Gabriel
Categories: Guidance Counseling, School Social Work, Psychology
Notes: Provides six (6) $5,000 scholarships annually
Amount: $5,000.00
Richard N. Callwood
Categories: Police Science and Administration
Notes: $625 per academic semester, for a maximum of three additional semesters or portions thereof. Police science and/or police administration. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $1,250.00
Ruth Thomas
Categories: Education
Notes: $5,000.00 per year for two (2) years (must be pursuing graduate studies, and taught a minimum of (5) years in the local VI school system.) Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Categories: Valedictorian/Salutatorian
Notes: Each Salutatorian from an accredited secondary school approved by the Department of Education, who has been accepted into an accredited college, university, or trade school shall receive $2,000.00
Amount: $2,000.00
Categories: Business
Notes: Not to exceed $5,000 per year for one (1) year. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Terence A. Todman
Categories: International Affairs
Notes: Grant for no more than two years pursuing a bachelor’s or graduate degree in International Relations.
Amount: $5,000.00
Categories: Valedictorian/Salutatorian
Notes: Each Valedictorian from an accredited high school approved by the Department of Education, who has been accepted into an accredited college, university, or trade school shall receive $3,000.00
Amount: $3,000.00
VI Maritime Industry
Categories: Science
Notes: Not to exceed $5,000 per year for one (1) year; Two applicants per year: one from each district. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $5,000.00
Virgin Islands National Guard
Categories: Virgin Islands National Guard
Notes: This grant is for children, under 25 years of age, of members and officers of the V. I. National Guard who die or sustain permanent total disability in the line of official duty while on territorial active military duty. The award value is for matriculation fees and tuition at the University of the Virgin Islands and not to exceed four (4) years.
Amount: $2,000.00
Walter I. M. Hodge
Categories: Political Science, Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Zoology, Animal Husbandry
Notes: $2,000 per year for one (1) year; Not to exceed $5,000 per year. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $2,000.00
Wilburn Smith
Categories: Education
Notes: $2,000 grant to persons pursuing studies in either elementary education, secondary education, or career and technical education. Subject to return and accept employment by the Government of the Virgin Islands for as many years the scholarship was awarded.
Amount: $2,000.00