Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States

Virgin Islands Board of Education Announces Certification Fee Waiver

The VI Board of Education (“the Board”) recognizes that there is an unequivocal connection between teacher quality and student learning. At its July 22, 2016 regular board meeting, the Board approved a waiver of the $25 application fee for Professional Staff Certification from August 8, 2016 through October 8, 2016. Teachers and other education professionals make a substantial difference in student achievement and we hope that all interested persons will take advantage of this opportunity to apply for a new certification or recertification.

For more information, contact the VI Board of Education on St. Croix at (340) 772-4144 or by facsimile at (340) 772-2895 or on St. Thomas at (340) 774-4546 or by facsimile (340) 774-3384

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